• Digital representation has become the primary source of image consumption. The line separating painting from JPEG is becoming invisible. This body of work investigates new technologies that influence the painterly processes of today, while also reflecting the idea that the reproduction, consumption, and proliferation of images and media are shaping our culture.

    Henk-Sjoerd Hinrichs was born in 1993, Harlingen (The Netherlands). He currently works in Antwerp (BE) and Groningen (NL). His works primarily focuses on painting and sculpture, specifically that of the relationship between painting and contemporary culture and such as mass media proliferation and digital technologies, consumerism, and counterculture through the dialogue of abstraction. He earned his BFA at the Minerva Academy, Groningen in July 2016. His work has been featured in the newspaper Het Parool, and showcased on blogs such as VICE, Mister Motley, Creators Project, rtw_ornot, as well as ccc_london.

    Henk-Sjoerd Hinrichs

    Art direction, editorial design

    Photography — Henk-Sjoerd Hinrichs


It Is What Is It — Creativity, curiosity and community in Bali


JA!COBA – Celebrating the Coba de Groot Foundation